Cigar Ambassador Presents

Welcome to Cigar Ambassador, a name that resonates with excellence and tradition in the world of premium cigars. Founded in 2005 our journey began as a beacon of knowledge with a dedicated cigar magazine, quickly establishing ourselves as connoisseurs in the field.

Our passion for cigars soon led us to expand our horizons, opening luxurious cigar clubs and duty-free stores across Asia, including notable locations in Shanghai and Macau. These establishments became the epitome of class and sophistication, offering an exclusive experience to cigar enthusiasts.

In 2019,we embarked on a pivotal venture, diving into the heart of cigar craftsmanship by acquiring, exporting, and planting our own cigar tobacco leaves. This bold move was complemented by the establishment of our own tobacco processing factory in Tamboril, Dominican Republic, a region renowned for its exceptional cigar manufacturing.

Our ambition didn't stop there. Around the same time, we launched our very own cigar brand, Tobacco Queen, a brand that quickly became synonymous with quality and luxury. Our factory in Tamboril, where Tobacco Queen is crafted, stands as a testament to our commitment to excellence in cigar making.

Embracing our growing expertise and success, 2023 marked a significant milestone for us. We expanded our brand portfolio with two new, exquisite cigar brands. In Nicaragua, we inaugurated a factory and introduced Luz de Masalla, a brand that captures the unique essence and flavors of Nicaraguan tobacco. Meanwhile, in Honduras, our factory began producing Leyenda de Copan, a brand that embodies the rich history and tradition of Honduran cigar craftsmanship.

Today, we proudly bring together these three exceptional brands under the umbrella of Cigar Ambassador Presents. Each brand, with its distinct character and heritage, contributes to our overarching vision of offering unmatched quality and an extraordinary smoking experience to aficionados worldwide.

Join us in celebrating the art of cigar making, where tradition meets innovation, and every puff is a journey through history and flavor. Cigar Ambassador, where every cigar tells a story.

Our Founders

Lily Wang

Lily first encountered cigar culture during her stay in the Dominican Republic from 1994 to 1996. As she was planning to immigrate to Canada, her father suffered a brain hemorrhage, prompting her return to Shanghai, China. Over the next ten years, Lily worked at one of the largest securities exchanges in China. In 2005, on the verge of being promoted to VP of the company, Lily handed in her resignation and started her own company, Cigar Ambassador.

In the following 20 years, Lily grew Cigar Ambassador from a cigar magazine in China into a global cigar enterprise with three cigar brands, several cigar clubs, duty-free shops, and numerous tobacco fields. Lily has attended almost every Procigar Festival and the Habano Festival. She is a beloved figure in the Dominican cigar community and a close friend to renowned figures such as Carlito Fuente, Jochy Blanco, and Jose Mendez.

Ausman Soriano Wang

Ausman Soriano Wang is the son of Lily Wang. Born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Ausman followed his mother back to Shanghai and grew up in China. At the age of 14, Ausman moved to the United States and attended Kent School in Connecticut. Upon graduation, he moved to New York, where he earned his bachelor's degree in Political Science from NYU and his master's degree in Nonprofit Management from Columbia University. He briefly worked in consulting before joining the family business. He is now the head of Cigar Ambassador's operations in the United States.